A massive global study has confirmed that the risk of developing breast cancer from some relatively rare genetic changes is similar to that from the more common BRCA 1 and …

Around half of all Australian men presenting to a GP with testosterone deficiency are missing out on subsidised treatmentA white paper produced by Frost & Sullivan shows that the number …

Bryan Hann from Castletown Chemist has been chosen to represent Western Australia at the national finals of the 2016 Pharmacy Assistant of the Year Award.This year the Pharmacy Guild of …

These days, when a customer enters a pharmacy they expect to be greeted by an experience they can’t get anywhere else, says John Koot.If you don’t give them this experience, …

The Health Minister’s early announcement regarding 1 October price cuts means customers may start asking questions already, says Pharmacy GuildYesterday Sussan Ley announced that more than 2000 medicine brands will …

Approaching Old Fart-dom and having grown up with a grammatically exacting mother, one of my pet hates is all the extra syllables that creep into the language, such as importATION and …

Pharma industry heavyweights have released their first reports detailing payments to healthcare professionalsThe reports give a rundown of each company’s payments to healthcare professionals for “provision of services” and “educational …

An increasing number of US adults are using marijuana, as fewer people perceive the drug as harmful, according to a new study which also found that there has been no …

Seven key predictors could help GPs identify which children do and don’t need antibiotics when they’re sick with a cough, a new study suggests.The researchers say the decision-making tool may …

As part of our ongoing series on women in pharmacy, we thought we’d step back in time to look at some key dates highlighting women’s role in shaping the profession  …

A round up of the top 5 concerns as reported by women surveyed across the countryJean Hailes conducted a survey of Australian women and compiled the results into a report …

It’s been a big week internationally for pharmacy, with the International Pharmaceutical Federation holding its world congress in Buenos Aires, Argentina… where several Australian achievements have been recognisedPSA won an …