Anyone seriously interested in eHealth and perhaps interested in why effective eHealth seems so elusive, will benefit from this excellent summary discussion from the UK. in here that is directly …

Failing to do so will lose your business customers, says expertPharmacy owners are not maximising the design of the work environment, Willach Australia’s managing director John Koot told delegates at …

A WA pharmacist has pled guilty in court after attempting to import more than 2000 ice pipes into the countryHoang Nam Nguyen, who owns the Cloud 9 chain of smoke …

A leading heart health stakeholder has welcomed a major review published in The Lancet that conclusively highlights the benefits of using statins outweighs the risks.“The number of lives saved far …

Lead organisations are beginning to grasp the extent of dissatisfaction with the current state of remuneration among employee pharmacistsAre you happy with your pay rate?If the answer is no, you’re …

The King Review has again been the hot topic of the week in pharmacy, with the final consultative forum being held as a live webcast from Canberra on Wednesday.The webcast, …

The King Review Discussion Paper opened a Pandora’s Box of questions about how pharmacy could and should be structured – including looking at the way the Community Pharmacy Agreements are …

Pharmacy the “heartbeat of local communities”: Small Business minister saysThe Turnbull government remains committed to current community pharmacy arrangements, at least for the life of the 6CPA, says Minister for …

The potential harms of statins have been exaggerated and their benefits underestimated, a new review has found.Statins have taken a beating in the media recently: in Australia, a Catalyst two-part …

UK funding reprieve is probably only a delay, says MinisterOnly days after telling the Royal Pharmaceutical Society conference that planned £170 million cuts to the UK’s pharmacy sector would not …

A leading economist has backed the existing location and ownership rules of community pharmacy.Delivering the annual Judy Liauw address at the Pharmacy Connect conference in Sydney, economist Professor Henry Ergas …

She reaffirmed her commitment to help improve healthcare and support pharmacyEmma McBride, who is Labor’s MP for Dobell in northern NSW, addressed Pharmacy Connect conference attendees at the opening plenary on …