A Gold Coast pharmacy assistant narrowly escaped serious injury over the weekend when a man crashed his hatchback through the pharmacy’s front window.The man, aged in his 70s, may have …

An influenza vaccine delivered intranasally should not be given in any setting during the 2016-17 flu season in the US, its manufacturer has said.AstraZeneca confirmed that the Advisory Committee on …

Here’s what our readers are saying about the key issues in pharmacy:Chaos reignsA minority LNP government, with Katter and Xenophon holding the balance of power is a dream for Pharmacists …

Federal Health Minister, Sussan Ley, is expected to open the 2016 conference of the Australian Self Medication Industry on 27 October 2016, ASMI said today.Delegates will hear about new opportunities …

The Guild Pharmacy Academy is collaborating with Pfizer Consumer Healthcare in the development of a new QCPP Refresher Training online course for pharmacy assistants on heartburn. The online course has been …

A serivce-based, forward pharmacy model is a no-brainer…or is it? asks Glenn GuilfoyleAs a stakeholder in the retail pharmacy industry it has become nigh on impossible to be unaware of …

Election 2016 leaves pharmacy in a state of fluxAs Australia faces a hung Parliament and years of political deals and recriminations, community pharmacy confronts potentially months of delay on key …

”It takes time for a new health minister to get their feet under the desk and kick start their portfolio. Anyone tipping who will be in the poison chalice seat …

Concerns raised over ‘incompetent’ handling of S8 medicinesPharmacy regulators around Australia are becoming “dismayed” at the handling of Schedule 8 medicines by the sector, a new release reveals.In its latest …

The accused is part owner of five pharmacies in the Hunter region of NSWPhillip Lawrence Slater, 36, appeared in Maitland Local Court on Thursday 30 June facing 10 charges, including …

Less than 20% of pharmacists continue to advise people use topical corticosteroids sparingly to treat eczema, an AJP poll shows – but more needs to be done to change pharmacist …

Disadvantaged people may defer filling scripts if the Coalition is returned to Government following this weekend’s election and it implements a proposed copayment increase, AMA president Dr Michael Gannon says.Dr …