GSK Australia is partnering with the Australian Government to provide a quadrivalent influenza vaccine for the National Immunisation Program for the 2016 season. Fluarix® Tetra is a four-strain flu vaccine …

Australians are incorrectly blaming the ‘off’ milk at the back of the fridge for food poisoning rather than much more risky raw egg dishes according to a national OmniPoll survey …

The Pharmacy Guild of Australia’s Ann Dalton and David Quilty participated in the walk4braincancer in Canberra over the weekend with Cure Brain Cancer Foundation campaign manager Jhaike Braham. Last month …

A University of Tasmania research project will seek to understand how codeine sales restrictions will affect codeine consumers and health professionals and are asking affected people to answer a questionnaire. …

At 11%, the proportion of Australian adults buying condoms in any given six-month period remains unchanged since 2011, with 59% of total purchasers being men and 41% being women, the …

The release of the final Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement text on 5 November has confirmed many of the concerns of health experts, says the PHAA. The controversial provisions for biologic …

The Guild has hit back at claims that pushback against the interim decision to reschedule codeine-containing OTCs to prescription only do not adequately take into account safety issues. Pain specialist …

Consumers are becoming increasingly discerning in their approach to complementary medicines, says a TWC pharmacist: and as a result, new higher strength, higher quality, targeted vitamins are finding favour in …

Vulnerable Australians will get free access to a quadrivalent flu vaccine in 2016 following a record number of reported cases this year. Minister for Health Sussan Ley says the Government …

Australians may be more aware in the 21st century of safe sun behaviours, but the incidence of skin cancer remains high and pharmacists need to be vigilant, writes Louis Roller. …

Baxter Healthcare Pty Ltd has received a citation as an Employer of Choice for Gender Equality from the Australian Government’s Workplace Gender Equality Agency. WGEA Director, Libby Lyons, congratulated the 2015 citation …

Efforts to retain pain and cold/flu medications which contain codeine on the Pharmacist Only schedule are misguided, says a pain expert. “There’s a scare campaign going on, which really doesn’t …