As pharmacy owners face a difficult fiscal environment, three of the APP2016 Business Workshops will take an integrated approach and will provide owners and managers with the tools to plan …

Erin Pavy from the ACT has been crowned Pharmacy Assistant of the Year for 2015. Pavy (fourth from right) was named as the recipient of the award at a gala …

ASMI has made a submission to the Goverment outlining a package of measures to combat codeine misuse. The organisation says proposed changes to the scheduling of OTC codeine-containing medicines will …

The AJP is reporting from the Pharmacy Assistants Conference 2015, held at the QT Hotel on the Gold Coast. While the 6CPA was overall “fabulous” for pharmacy, the income pharmacies …

Lung conditions are myriad, writes Louis Roller, who takes us through a range of conditions pharmacists are likely to see Lung diseases are some of the most common medical conditions in …

Health care in Australia will require a big shake-up and investment in primary health care if the Government is to meet the responses of an official survey, the Consumers Health …

The interim decision to upschedule codeine-containing cold and flu medicines to Schedule 4 does not make public health or economic sense, the Australian Self Medication Industry says. It says new …

Think twice before you reach for your mobile phone at lunch, says an expert from the University of Queensland: many phones are a breeding ground for microbes. UQ’s Dr Alysha …

Many Australian adults aren’t taking their medicines as directed, a new survey conducted for NPS Medicinewise shows. NPS Medicinewise is currently holding Be Medicinewise Week 2015, an initiative intended to …

Pharmacists have an enormous amount to offer by entering the ambulance world and other less typical environments, writes Dr Peter Hayball Why would a complex ambulance service not employ a …

For the first time, researchers have used hair samples to measure levels of stress caused by MDMA or ecstasy use. Lead researcher Luke Downey from Swinburne University of Technology studied …

With last year’s reclassification of sildenafil, New Zealand reinforced its reputation as an innovator in down-scheduling medicines from prescription to non-prescription status, says ASMI. International switch expert Dr Natalie Gauld …