When a customer walks into a pharmacy, they aren’t just seeking a remedy, they are looking for quality connections and engagement; with this in mind, the Pharmacy Guild of Australia …

A Pharmacy Trial Program stakeholder consultation forum conducted in Canberra has seen stakeholders confirm support for the Pharmacy Trial Program. The forum, convened by the Department of Health, was attended …

Unhealthy foods are the most promoted items in Australian supermarket catalogues, according to an analysis by Deakin University obesity prevention researchers. In a study published in the journal Health Promotion …

A New World Health Organisation study linking processed and red meats to cancer highlights the benefits of eating more fruit, vegetables and whole grains, Cancer Council Australia said today. The …

The out of stock situation with some Blackmores products is frustrating, but a better alternative than offering a lower-quality product, says the company’s managing director Australia and New Zealand, David …

Students from rural and remote locations who are studying pharmacy or are intending to study pharmacy are now being invited to apply for the Rural Pharmacy Scholarships for 2016. Supported …

Hospital politics and a power imbalance between doctors and pharmacists may be a key reason why antibiotics continue to be chronically misused in Australian hospitals, new research suggests. A UNSW …

More than nine out of every 10 Australians (91%) believe the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes should be made legal, according to a special Roy Morgan telephone survey conducted …

The Public Health Association of Australia has welcomed the release of the Implementation Plan for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health. According to Adjunct Associate Professor Carmen Parter, who is …

CEO of Complementary Medicines Australia Carl Gibson has welcomed results from a University of Sydney study, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, which show that vitamin B3 (nicotinamide) …

A report released today by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare for the first time presents information and statistics about breast cancer in young women aged 20-39 years. The …

The AJP is reporting from the Blackmores Institute Symposium 2015, which is being held at the Pullman Albert Park in Melbourne. Pharmacist, life coach and NLP counsellor Vanessa Lontos spoke …