The Stroke Foundation is encouraging Australians to nominate an inspirational person in their community for a 2015 Stroke Award. The National Stroke Foundation is urging locals to get their nominations …

Don’t panic about the $1 pharmacy copayment discount—and don’t automatically assume you should offer it, writes Mal Scrymgeour

The latest round of price disclosure related price changes, which will come into effect on 1 October, 2015, have been announced. The chemotherapy drug capecitabine is to see a 52% …

Talk of expanding the GST to meet rising health costs is like prescribing the medicine before completing the diagnosis, says the Consumers Health Forum. “Tax is only part of the …

Binge-eating in teenagers may be linked to a gene variation, according to new research from the University of Queensland. The UQ Diamantina Institute’s Professor David Evans and a University College …

Blackmores has been awarded the Reader’s Digest Most Trusted Brand in the Vitamins & Supplements category for 2015— the seventh consecutive year the brand has received this accolade. The Trusted …

More colleges and societies have joined Choosing Wisely Australia, an initiative that is addressing unnecessary practices and questioning tests, treatments and procedures of proven low value. The number of participating …

The negative health effects of international air travel are well documented, but it’s possible that the common elderberry can provide some relief, according to Griffith University researchers. Associate Professor Evelin …

The AMA has renewed its call for the Federal Government to support the AMA proposal to integrate non-dispensing pharmacists into GP-led primary health care teams. As part of AMA Family …

Difference between state and territory regulations on S8 medicines create difficulties for prescribers, pharmacists and patients, an article published in the Medical Journal of Australia says. “The establishment of a …

The Australian Medical Association is using Family Doctor Week to highlight the “devastating” effect on patients from the freeze on Medicare patient rebates. It is warning of a sharp rise …

A renewed US Food and Drug Administration warning on non-aspirin NSAIDs and cardiovascular health is in line with current TGA recommendations – and community pharmacy can help educate consumers about …