Labelling fast food menus with kilojoule values can shave almost 1,000kJ from the average daily diet of university students, according to new Australian research. The study, involving 713 University of …

Tobacco smoking and addiction is the major cause of preventable morbidity and mortality in Australia; pharmacists are very well placed to assist with smoking cessation. Smokers are at increased risk …

A Labor MP has called for swifter resolution to the Community Pharmacy Agreement negotiations, stating that pharmacies and other businesses need certainty. Terri Butler, the MP for Griffith, praised one …

The trendy Paleo diet, which claims we’d be healthier if we ate more like our Stone Age ancestors, is based on a misunderstanding of how evolution works, according to a …

Cancer Council is warning older Queenslanders to stay SunSmart and check their skin, with new research showing more older Queenslanders are being diagnosed with skin cancer than ever before. New …

There was nothing to celebrate about Budget 2015, says the Australian Dental Association: instead, it left a bad taste in the mouth for consumers and dentists alike. Many consumers relying …

Internationally recognised scientists, Prof Cyndi Shannon Weickert and Dr Tom Weickert have recently reported that the drug raloxifene – an oestrogen-based medication – already used in the treatment of cancer …

The University of Tasmania’s Menzies Institute for Medical Research has welcomed the 2015 Federal Budget commitment to the Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF), beginning with $400 million in disbursements to …

General practice has fared reasonably well in the 2015 Budget, and the RACGP says it supports programs that improve patient care and access, including changes to after-hours care. RACGP President …

The 2015 Budget held no surprises, with many of the significant budget measures having been leaked days or even weeks ago, says the PSA. But PSA says the elephant in …

Four in 10 Australians have little or no understanding of what schizophrenia is – yet almost a quarter of Australians know somebody with the illness, a new survey has found. …

The Budget has confirmed that the Government still intends to lift the PBS patient co-payment and safety net thresholds, first announced in last year’s Budget, says the Pharmacy Guild. “The …