The Board of the PSA has issued a call to action to its members to ensure the Sixth Community Pharmacy Agreement provides the best possible outcomes for consumers and the …

Community pharmacists can improve medicine compliance and patient quality of life by focusing on patients over the age of 65 years who are taking four or more medicines, an English …

Complementary Medicines Australia has responded to the Government’s Expert Review of Medicines and Medical Devices Regulation by calling for regulation that reflects risk, protects consumers, safeguards quality and promotes industry …

Queensland’s Chief Health Officer Dr Jeannette Young says employers can help workers quit smoking by joining the free Workplace Quit Smoking Program. Delivered by the Queensland Quitline service, the program …

Childhood cancer survival has increased in Australia by 6% over recent decades, but one in five kids affected will still die within five years, new Cancer Council figures have revealed. …

A new review of thousands of studies has found little evidence for the long-term benefit of commercial weight loss programs in the US – with a few exceptions. John Hopkins …

The Harper Review’s final report is “muddled and intellectually lazy,” Guild executive director David Quilty writes in this week’s edition of forefront. “The final report of the Harper Competition Policy …

A fifth of NSW families are sedating their children during long car trips, according to media reports over the long weekend – but a leading pharmacist has queried this statistic. …

Australian community pharmacy is in “dire need of reform,” a prominent health economist has written. On today’s The Conversation, Philip Clarke, Professor of Health Economics at the University of Melbourne, …

Australians are still exhibiting some careless food safety behaviour, says the Food Safety Information Council today (World Health Day 2015) – and while food poisoning cases are dropping, numbers are …

The TGA is seeking comments on several proposed amendments to the Poisons Standard, including that the Schedule 3 entry for codeine be deleted. It is proposed that the current Schedule …

The Harper Review into competition policy made waves in the pharmacy sector this week, recommending the gradual removal of the rules governing community pharmacy ownership and location. Reaction to the …