Government spending on the PBS per head of population has been in decline for almost three years, reinforcing the sustainability of the current scheme, the Medicines Partnership Australia says. The …

META, a collaborative network of manufacturing businesses and researchers, today announced a collaborative project between Hospira, GlaxoSmithKline and CSL to generate a targeted 3% productivity boost with an estimated return …

Priceline Pharmacy has opened its landmark 250th store this week at Priceline Pharmacy Gateways in Western Australia. It’s 12 years since the first Priceline Pharmacy opened at Pakenham in Melbourne’s …

The principal aim when managing neuropathic pain is to improve the patient’s quality of life by attaining maximum pain relief with minimal treatment-associated adverse effects, and restoring functional ability. BYLINE …

Former President of the Pharmacy Guild’s South Australian Branch, Adelaide pharmacist Ian Todd, has been awarded the Barry Schultz medal for 2014. The medal is awarded to a pharmacist deemed …

The Australian Pharmacy Council has drafted the Standards for the Accreditation of Programs to Support Pharmacist Administration of Vaccines 2014, which were released for public consultation in July 2014. It …

Board notifications regarding pharmacists have increased by more than those regarding health practitioners overall, in 2013/4. There has been a 16% increase in notifications made about health practitioners in 2014, …

Pharmacists will have more contact with cancer patients as more and more of them are treated with oral anticancer medicines that can be taken at home, reports Lisa Offord. Key …

Pharmacists are being encouraged to increase awareness of the benefits of good oral health care by integrating key messages into discussions with patients, reports Lisa Wall. Key points: Pharmacists are …

Community pharmacy is in a position to make significant inroads in the support and health outcomes of people living with diabetes, reports Leanne Philpott. Key Points: More than 1 million …

Arthritis is one of the most prevalent, disabling and costly diseases in Australia and yet community pharmacy can play a key role in the lives of those suffering from this …

Community pharmacy can play an important role in educating allergy sufferers on the correct use of allergy devices and OTC medications, writes Leanne Philpott. Key Points: It’s predicted that by …