Moderate use of the popular NSAID has been found to impact hormonal balance in healthy men, potentially leading to reduced libido, infertility, depressed mood and fatigue In the first in-depth …

Results from the Graduate Outcomes Survey reveal both undergrads and postgrads in pharmacy enjoy a full-time employment rate of over 95% According to the 2017 survey, pharmacy follows medicine as …

Retail pharmacy casual workers to receive overtime payments, after case brought by union The Shop, Distributive and Allied Employees’ Association (SDA) says the decision is a “win” for casual workers …

Two in three Australians will develop cancer before the age of 70 but with the right advice, pharmacy can help more people protect themselves from the harmful effects of UV …

Boots staff have shared their concerns about work pressure and staffing levels – but the pharmacy chain says they’re investing in more pharmacists than ever Are pharmacists working for the …

Have you been receiving complaints from patients or noticed stockpiling behaviour as the codeine upschedule date approaches? This week, the Extended Hours Pharmacies Association (EHPA) urged its members to invite …

With codeine-containing medicines going to prescription-only, has the time come to again restrict the sale of all ibuprofen products to pharmacies? Ron Batagol, PhC,FSHP,AGIA, Dip.Jnl. Pharmacist and Obstetric Medication and …

With pharmacists increasingly providing professional services, more than half (60%) of respondents to an AJP poll say they provide a significant amount of services for free Community pharmacy finds itself …

Pharmacy patients are complaining of being “treated like drug addicts” as codeine change awareness spreads, say extended hours pharmacists With the codeine upscheduling deadline of 1 February looming, the Extended …

Former Victorian pharmacy dean and Australian Rugby international dies aged 84  Dr Geoffrey Vaughan AO, who was Dean of the Victorian College of Pharmacy (“VCP”) from 1979 to 1986, passed …

Have you ever had to sell something that you didn’t quite believe? Tough isn’t it, says pharmacist Peter Feros But the scenario above is what we pharmacists are being asked …

With the Guild’s system to be shut down from the night of 31 January, what is the outlook for real-time prescription monitoring across the country? MedsASSIST – the real-time recording …