The results are in: we present your most and least favourite Christmas songs Earlier this month, AJP reported on a survey by the streaming service Soundtrack Your Brand, which looked …

The Pharmacy Guild has laid out its priorities for 2018 Guild Executive Director David Quilty has explored the hot topics of this year and the next in his last editorial …

Mystery benefactor donates cash for meds; pay and stress both up in the US; Apple opposes pharmacy’s trademark Mount Zion, Illinois: The Sav-Mor Pharmacy in Mount Zion has a secret …

There’s a growing trend for pharmaceutical manufacturers to exit the CSO wholesaler distribution system for their products… Why is this important? Jarrod McMaugh explains You may not be aware of …

2017 has been a bumper year for science yarns… Here is a roundup courtesy of the Australian Science Media Centre Trump dumped Paris In June, recently-elected President Donald Trump announced he would …

Pharmacists are inextricably linked to medications and may have a role in helping those at risk of suicide, say pharmacy researchers A scoping review has found some evidence that pharmacists …

New Ministers appointed to health, business portfolios Some new faces will be occupying ministerial positions in portfolios of relevance to community pharmacy after Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull announced his Cabinet …

A new study finds 60% of Australians are keeping medicines in case they are needed again New research published in the Australian Health Review shows Australia is a nation of …

One in ten errors reported to PDL involve incidents in the pharmacy where a person receives medication intended for another Consequences include serious harm to the consumer and professional risk …

There are questions about some of the evidence presented to the Senate committee hearing into the effects of red tape on pharmacy rules, says Anthony Tassone   Evidence presented by Michael Rhodes …

The health sector needs a “fundamental re-education” around the use of analgesics in chronic pain, says AMA president Dr Michael Gannon And doctors have been over-prescribing opioids over recent years, …

Here are the top 10 weirdest science stories of the year, courtesy of the Australian Science Media Centre Sheep recognised Baaarack Obaaama When it comes to picking out a famous …