Call for opioid maintenance therapy copay on PBS
Ensuring Opioid Maintenance Therapy is affordable for patients is an important strategy in helping stem prescription opioid and heroin addiction, a new report has found – but the current copayment …
Codeine to go script-only?
The TGA is seeking comments on several proposed amendments to the Poisons Standard, including that the Schedule 3 entry for codeine be deleted. It is proposed that the current Schedule …
Aussies rife with Big Three risk factors
The National Heart Foundation says the release of the Cardiovascular disease, diabetes and chronic kidney disease—Australian facts: risk factors report is another wake up call for the Federal Government to …
PSA calls for real-time codeine reporting
The PSA has released a position paper recognising the growing use of OTC analgesics containing codeine in the community, and expressing concern with the rising levels of harm associated with …
PSA resource on OTC codeine overuse
The PSA has produced a leaflet as one of its resources developed in response to increasing reports about the damaging effects of overuse of readily available pain relievers containing codeine. …
RACGP demands real-time prescription drug database
The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners is again calling for the immediate rollout of a real-time prescription drug database to reduce the number of people dying from prescription drug …
New online pharmacist S3 analgesic training
The Pharmacy Guild of Australia has launched the next instalment of its Pharmacist Only Health Solutions training program for pharmacists, focusing on S3 analgesics. The Guild has partnered with AFT …