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Anthony Tassone

Guild will not sign a deal that is not good for patients and pharmacists, Anthony Tassone pledges  Time is of the essence if the government and Pharmacy Guild of Australia …

Floods highlight the need for bureaucrats to stop turning emergency medicines supply arrangements off a Pharmacy Guild of Australia leader says  Continued dispensing measures should be activated permanently to ensure …

Chemist Warehouse Group is continuing to secure approvals for new franchisees in NSW, despite industry-wide delays in getting the green light from the state’s regulator  All pharmacy groups looking to …

Guild urges health minister to act on his desire to see pharmacists working to the top of their scope of practice  Community pharmacies are willing to take responsibility for the …

Fewer than one-in-10 prescriptions for molecules eligible for double dispensing are being written for 60 days’ supply  Data from more than 4000 community pharmacies across Australia shows that over the …

Doctors will leave states where they are subject to payroll tax, RACGP president warns  More than one-in-three GPs say they would consider moving interstate to a jurisdiction that offers “more …

Cutting payroll tax for general practitioners will not boost access to medical appointments, Guild leader says  Any changes to payroll tax requirements granted to GPs should be extended to all …

Minimum number of repeats needed to deliver on 60-day dispensing promises  Patients who are deemed to be suitably stable on their medication to receive a 60-day prescription should be given …

Legislation passed to allow a pharmacist prescribing pilot program The Pharmacy Guild of Australia’s Victorian Branch says it welcomes the passage of legislation that enables the state’s community pharmacist prescribing …

Rural pharmacy owner makes the difficult decision to merge stores to protect services ahead of 60-day dispensing  Patients in the Queensland township of Monteville on the outskirts of the Sunshine …

MPs and Senators are being urged to back legislation that will see maximum dispense quantities increase for 325 molecules  Medical organisations, health, and patient advocacy groups are calling on federal …

Parliamentary crossbenchers are increasingly wary of some of the unintended consequences of 60 day dispensing, a senior Guild official says as they fight for it to be addressed in an …