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Anthony Tassone

Guild welcomes pre-election commitment from Victorian Liberals to legislate for OTC oral contraceptives The Pharmacy Guild of Australia has welcomed the announcement by the Victorian Liberal Party that it will improve …

The latest views published by the AMA seek to take Australian healthcare policy back into the silos that hampered it for so long, says Anthony Tassone The latest article published …

Challenges in recruiting pharmacists are a continual concern, says Guild leader The Victorian opposition has highlighted the need for a state-wide health workforce strategy. There are significant staffing shortages affecting …

A segment on The Today Show about expanded pharmacy roles has received strong responses from pharmacy leaders “Pharmacies want permission to treat patients,” television presenter Ita Buttrose announced in a …

Pharmacists should be allowed access to NIP flu vaccines to boost the number of people vaccinated and increase herd immunity, writes Anthony Tassone Warnings that this year will see another …

Elections continue for Pharmacy Guild of Australia state branches, as Victorian president wins new term However, things have started to settle down in Victoria where incumbent state president Anthony Tassone …

Pharmacy Guild of Australia’s Victorian branch president, Anthony Tassone, responds to comments by Dr Evan Ackermann This is the second part of a two-part rebuttal published on the AJP. Read part …

Pharmacy Guild of Australia’s Victorian branch president, Anthony Tassone, responds to comments by Dr Evan Ackermann This is part one of a two-part rebuttal published on the AJP. Read part two …

Eastern Melbourne PHN and the Pharmacy Guild of Australia, Victoria, today launched a mental health resource for pharmacists as part of the Pharmacy Integration Project Report. This Project was jointly developed by the …