Posts in tag

cardiovascular health

Debbie Rigby rounds up the latest in research news Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Exacerbations Increase the Risk of Subsequent Cardiovascular Events Results from the COPDGene study show increased risk of …

What is the role of nutraceuticals in cardiovascular health, and what are the reasons for using them alongside statin therapy in the management of hypercholesterolaemia? By Chrysa Giannellis, consultant pharmacist …

Ensuring adequate anticoagulation is important to reduce the risk of strokes related to atrial fibrillation. A patient-centred approach should be taken to decide the appropriate oral anticoagulant therapy. By Debbie …

When it comes to managing hypertension, pharmacists have an important role in medication management, disease state education, blood pressure measurement and monitoring, and patient counselling. By Dr Louis Roller PhD, …

The pharmacist is a key part of the multidisciplinary team caring for a patient that has been diagnosed with a form of arrhythmia requiring pharmacological treatment.   By Chrysa Giannellis, …

A pharmacist intervention for patients at high risk of cardiovascular disease both improves patient outcomes and saves money, according to new research Pharmacist researchers from Canada have developed a model …

As roles for community pharmacists continue to expand, helping patients to maintain their cardiovascular health is more important than ever, writes Sheshtyn Paola Back in mid-2005, pharmacy researchers reached out …

A study of more than 131,000 patients has found pharmacists were able to alleviate GP workload by following up new hypertensive prescriptions In the UK, the New Medicine Service (NMS) …

With codeine-containing medicines going to prescription-only, has the time come to again restrict the sale of all ibuprofen products to pharmacies? Ron Batagol, PhC,FSHP,AGIA, Dip.Jnl. Pharmacist and Obstetric Medication and …

Recent findings that NSAIDs increase risk of heart attack have minimal implications, argues ASMI A recent BMJ study found that all non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), including over-the-counter medicines such as …

Energy drinks have been found to affect the heart and blood pressure levels in a way caffeine-only drinks do not A study published in the Journal of the American Heart …

Do Aussies take statins to compensate for unhealthy dietary choices? Contrary to popular belief and the results of previous international research, Monash University researchers have shown that statins are not …