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employee pharmacists

The outcome of a newly registered pharmacist’s redundancy case hinged on whether her employer offered suitable alternative employment Ms B worked as an intern pharmacist at an Anzac Square, Brisbane …

The Fair Work Commission did not recognise the impact of penalty rates cuts on low-earning staff in the retail and hospitality industries, a court has heard The appeal against the …

Are low employee pharmacist wages the result of a flawed and unsustainable system due to price disclosure? In a recent poll of AJP readers, the majority of respondents (49%) said …

It’s a decision that seems likely to split the profession: with low base wages already a significant problem, employee pharmacists are signalling that they may leave for good over cuts …

Penalty rates have been a hot topic in Parliament this week, with several politicians slamming the Fair Work Commission’s decision It is a decision that will see Sunday penalty rates …

The PSA has urged pharmacy owners to continue paying their employee pharmacists above award rates PSA commented on the Fair Work Commission’s decision on penalty rates and other conditions in …

Some employers are threatening to report their employees to the Pharmacy Board after facing unfair dismissal or underpayment claims, according to the pharmacists’ union PPA says that it has been …

The union for employee pharmacists is preparing legal actions to recover thousands of dollars owing to those who have been underpaid Professional Pharmacists Australia says it is “putting pharmacy owners …

We asked what your professional goal was for the new year and one option was a clear winner Most pharmacists are hoping for significant changes in the new year – …

The union for employee pharmacists is preparing detailed submissions and evidence of changes to the way pharmacy is practised, for the Fair Work Commission. PPA has already submitted an outline …

Health decision-makers need to look at their work with a compassionate perspective, writes Mouhamad Zoghbi When Allen was 18 years old he was involved in a freak accident. An elevator …

Are you getting the breaks you need in the workplace? Earlier this week, PPA reminded employee pharmacists that it is illegal to force pharmacists to routinely work through lunch breaks, unless …