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In this latest practice alert, PDL reviews lapsed PI renewal and other ‘relevant events’ that pharmacists and pharmacy students need to notify Ahpra about Lapsed Professional Indemnity insurance arrangements – …

Do pharmacists have indemnity cover for giving a COVID-19 vaccine? PDL has a full update on the 2021 vaccination season The 2021 vaccination season is upon us with many pharmacies …

A pharmacist who failed to maintain professional indemnity insurance cover while he practised for four months has been found to have engaged in unprofessional conduct The pharmacist had been a …

Pharmacy Guild president warns of unapproved pharmacies dispensing medicines There have been recent cases of unapproved pharmacies dispensing medicines and claiming PBS reimbursement separately through an approved pharmacy, according to …

Here at APP2018, AJP host Miranda is joined by Gary West from PDL. Gary is a professional officer within PDL’s Australia-wide incident support service, which run by, and for, member …

One in ten errors reported to PDL involve incidents in the pharmacy where a person receives medication intended for another Consequences include serious harm to the consumer and professional risk …