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medicinal cannabis

With the cultivation and manufacture of medicinal cannabis becoming legal in Australia, and receiving recent media coverage, the Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia is calling for the development of …

Changes to legislation on medicinal cannabis have the potential to be mistaken by patients as official endorsement of its use, according to a position statement released this week by the …

Australia needs to stop seeing health spending as a crisis and focus on opportunities instead, says Greens leader Richard di Natale – and pharmacy is a key element in doing …

Method could be a more efficient and less harmful than smoking traditional cannabis cigarettes, according to a new study. Using e-cigarettes for the vaping of cannabis oil, which the authors …

The Turnbull Government will today introduce legislation providing the “missing piece” for Australian patients and their doctors to access a safe, legal and reliable supply of medicinal cannabis products for …

Ahead of the Victorian Government’s recent announcement, The Pharmacy Guild of Australia has already confirmed a session at APP2016 exploring medicinal cannabis in the treatment of specific epilepsy disorders and …

People taking medicinal cannabis will need to be given advice about the potential long-term side-effects, an expert says. Dr Michael Farrell, director of the National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, …