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nicotine vaping products

What is the evidence for nicotine vaping products in smoking cessation and their impact on health more generally? By Sandra Rackemann BPharm (Hons), AACPA, Professional Development Pharmacist, Australasian College of …

Well-meaning laws making nicotine vaping products prescription-only are fueling the black market trade in vapes, a National Party MP claims  Efforts to restrict access to vaping products will do little …

Regulator seizes more than 70,000 vaping products as part of Australian Border Force-supported clampdown  The Therapeutical Goods Administration (TGA) has confiscated vaping products with a value in excess of $2.1 …

TGA says it will clamp down on vapes, medicinal cannabis and the wellness industry over the next 12 months The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) has published its import, advertising and supply …

Tobacco giant offering cut-price deals to pharmacies to stock vaping products   Pharmacists are being urged to be sceptical of approaches from tobacco companies looking to secure supply arrangements for prescription …

Regulations relating to nicotine vaping products (NVPs) need to be tightened to reduce black-market sales and adolescent use; the Pharmacy Guild of Australia believes.   In its submission to the …