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shane jackson

Do rural and urban community pharmacies actually differ in the services and practice models they offer? It’s often stated that practising as a community pharmacist in rural and regional Australia …

In this episode your peers and mentors provide tips on a range of hot topics encountered in everyday pharmacy practice We look at areas such as prioritising workload, balancing patient …

My Health Record is the key to improving medication safety, and pharmacists have a crucial role, says Dr Shane Jackson Australia’s healthcare system is under great strain with rising costs …

There was little surprise in seeing the current PSA national president voted by AJP readers as pharmacy’s fifth leading agenda setter Since taking over the top role at PSA in …

A GP has written about collaboration with pharmacists, but also refers to the “ceaseless ambition of some pharmacist groups” for prescribing rights and service provision Dr Richard Kidd, Chair of the …

What are the differences between rural and urban pharmacy practice? Australian researchers have reviewed the evidence   There is little evidence of real difference in pharmacy practice between rural and urban …

Remuneration solutions are crucial if pharmacy is to achieve its potential: Jackson Funding mechanisms need to be found or developed if community pharmacy is to reach its potential in terms …

Broaden the agreement to reflect the true scope of pharmacy, PSA leaders say The Seventh Community Pharmacy Agreement represents an opportunity to broaden the dialogue between pharmacy and government and …

PSA president’s tweet goes viral, while medicinal cannabis and opioids were a point of discussion… as was the World Cup of course My daughter who has ASD received straights Ds …

Hold off on My Health Record registration till a new process comes into place, accredited pharmacists are told  Accredited pharmacists should hold off for registering for access to the My …

Pharmacists told to get ready for Australia’s revolutionary new opt-out e-health record network Pharmacists will need support and education to ensure their patients achieve the optimum benefit from Australia’s soon-to-be …

PSA president says prescribing rights for pharmacists are imminent and it is a “travesty” they don’t have them yet Pharmacists may soon be extended prescribing rights if all goes to …