Stress test
The stress of COVID has seen a spike in people seeking help with mental health issues, while calls to the Pharmacists’ Support Service (PSS) reveal anxiety levels among pharmacists themselves …
Mental health in the pharmacy profession
To mark Mental Health Week (10-18 Oct), the AJP and PSS hosted this exclusive webinar event to address the mental wellbeing of the pharmacy profession Topics including stress factors for …
Women under stress
New research from Priceline has found that 95% of Australian women are experiencing stress – and for one in five it’s multiple times a day However, 59% of women have …
Work pressure and emotional labour in pharmacy
Are you cool in a crisis? One group of researchers wants to know how… Associate Professor Hanan Khalil and her Health Management team at La Trobe University are conducting a study examining work pressure and emotional labour amongst community pharmacists …
Clinical tips: stress management
With all the challenges 2020 has thrown at us, stress management is more important than ever, writes Louis Roller In these difficult stressful days of catastrophic bushfires, floods, COVID-19, recession, …
Workplace stress
In our latest podcast, pharmacists give their tips on how they deal with stress Our host, Carlene McMaugh, speaks to a wide range of pharmacists and leaders of the profession …
Business expects ‘bad times’ ahead
In April business confidence plummeted to a second consecutive record monthly low… and new research reveals the stress small business owners are under Roy Morgan Business Confidence was down 18.2 …
‘The whole industry is on the brink of unravelling.’
Thanks to pressures caused by COVID-19, up to half of pharmacy employees want to leave, while pharmacy owners are also fighting to survive A new survey by Professional Pharmacists Australia …
Q&A: avoiding burnout and de-escalating conflict
Pharmacy support services report a “huge” volume increase in calls as pharmacists reach out amidst worries about health, patient conflict, staff difficulties, errors and more PSA hosted a webinar on …
We need to flatten the ‘other’ coronavirus curve, our looming mental health crisis
Stephen Carbone and Anthony Jorm from the University of Melbourne take a look at how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting our mental health The battle against the mental health consequences …
Uncertainty keeps pharmacy on edge
What factors are causing pharmacists the most distress during the COVID-19 pandemic? The Pharmacists’ Support Service normally receives around seven to 10 phone calls a week from pharmacists who are …
‘Our pharmacy staff are exhausted.’
Hundreds of readers report pharmacy staff are on the edge of burnout – and meanwhile patient complaints are spiking, with many of these surrounding salbutamol supply When the COVID-19 panic …