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Today in our news roundup: warnings over the timing of TGA staff cuts, and more revelations about big pharma’s business practices No time for cutbacks Revelations that the TGA plans …

Rescheduling review announced by department as May decision date looms A decision on the controversial rescheduling of codeine is expected by May 2016, following a safety review, Department of Health …

ASMI says consumers should only purchase complementary medicines approved for supply in Australia because they are highly regulated by the TGA. “Australia’s system of regulating complementary medicines is one of …

The TGA has recommended that naloxone minijet be scheduled to Pharmacist Only medicine—a decision which will likely save lives, says Angelo Pricolo, the Brunswick pharmacist who made the submission. This …

The Pharmacy Guild of Australia has expressed concern at the proposed re-scheduling of codeine containing analgesics to Schedule 4, Prescription Only Medicine. The interim decision of the Advisory Committee on …

Health Minister Sussan Ley has criticised pharmaceutical companies for dragging their feet on bringing new drugs to the Australian market and prioritising applying to lucrative markets overseas. “Australia has a …

The 2015 PricewaterhouseCoopers survey of the Australian medicines industry provides an important and timely insight into the challenges and opportunities confronting the Australian innovative medicines industry, says Medicines Australia. The …

TGA regulation, price pressure and compliance issues are reducing access to medicines, and reducing industry confidence, a PwC report claims. Challenges and Change—a report on the Australian pharmaceutical industry, released …

The TGA has advised that more children’s medicines are being recalled, because they have been supplied in bottles where grooves that secure the lids can break off during opening. The …

ASMI has said country of origin statements, graphics and visual representations should not be mandatory for therapeutic goods labels, in its submission to the Government’s review of country of origin …

In a submission to the Department of Health on reducing regulation in the health portfolio, Complementary Medicines Australia has reiterated its support of the Government’s commitment to foster a regulatory …

Health Minister Sussan Ley says she wants to turn around the issue of ‘slow’ access to new medicines, which she says is caused by drug companies. Medicines manufacturers prefer to …