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State and territory governments are being urged to authorise pharmacists to administer RSV vaccines  Changes to Queensland’s Extended Practice Authority – Pharmacists, which came into effect today (1 May 2024) …

Australians’ annual incomes appear to influence where they opt to receive an influenza vaccine, a NAB report reveals  Community pharmacies are the destination of choice for flu shots for 30% …

Moderna’s Spikevax is set to be the first of Australia’s provisionally approved COVID-19 vaccines to undergo an evaluation to transition to full registration.  The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) revealed Moderna …

Pay, ethical dilemmas, practice change, vaccine developments. Let’s look at the ten most read AJP features for 2021 It’s time to look at the key stories that our readers have …

Pharmacists are invited to join the National Vaccine Forum’s online event: COVID-19 and Beyond, to be held later this month Join the National Vaccine Forum online on Wednesday November 24 …

Sydney pharmacist uses TikTok to hilariously refute the messages being pushed by anti-vaxxers A Sydney pharmacist has seen a video he posted on popular social media platform go viral. In …

CSL’s Melbourne Broadmeadows facility had a positive COVID-19 case One of the CSL production facilities producing the Astra Zeneca Covid vaccine, Vaxzevria, has had a positive COVID-19 case of its own, …

“Critical laboratory materials” arrive in country as hopes build for availability of new vax alternative With the wider vaccine focus on the paucity of Pfizer’s Comirnaty and the abundance of …

Two fatalities reported, however total thrombosis numbers down from previous week There were a total of four blood clotting events apparently connected to the Astra Zeneca vaccine rollout recorded over …

Developing news around pharmacy’s role in the COVID-19 vaccination program dominated the news cycle during the week All eligible community pharmacies across Australia were finally the green light to join …

General flags a greater role for pharmacists in vax rollout and Minister announces health care PPE support package The head of Australia’s revamp COVID vaccination rollout taskforce, Lieutenant General John …

Health Minister flags this week as seeing the takeoff for community pharmacy’s COVID vaccine rollout  Health Minister Greg Hunt says this is the week that the community pharmacy COVID-19 vaccination …