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Pharmacies have an edge in skin care that virtually no other retailer can boast: the presence of Pharmacy-Only and Pharmacist-Only products that draw customers into the community pharmacy sector. And …

We can’t trust drug companies to wine, dine and educate doctors about the drugs they prescribe Barbara Mintzes, University of Sydney If a drug company treats a doctor to a …

With 80% of pharmacy patients being female, there is no doubt that Australia’s 5450 plus community pharmacies play a critical role in women’s health. More often than not women are …

Collaboration and communication with patients is key to helping legitimate pain patients, with real-time monitoring useful for catching misusers of codeine only. Most people who become dependent on over-the-counter codeine …

For most people our eyes provide around 80% of the information from our surroundings, and pharmacists are perfectly placed to help consumers maintain good eye health.

As the most accessible healthcare providers pharmacists can play a vital role in helping people with safe and effective pain management.

Anyone who’s experienced reflux knows only too well how uncomfortable that burning feeling can be. But when it occurs frequently it can lead to inflammation and potential ulceration of the …

Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) can increase the chances of a smoker quitting by 60% in comparison to unassisted quit smoking attempts, writes Leanne Philpott. Key Points Despite a decrease in …

Pharmacists will have more contact with cancer patients as more and more of them are treated with oral anticancer medicines that can be taken at home, reports Lisa Offord. Key …

Pharmacists are being encouraged to increase awareness of the benefits of good oral health care by integrating key messages into discussions with patients, reports Lisa Wall. Key points: Pharmacists are …

Community pharmacy is in a position to make significant inroads in the support and health outcomes of people living with diabetes, reports Leanne Philpott. Key Points: More than 1 million …

Arthritis is one of the most prevalent, disabling and costly diseases in Australia and yet community pharmacy can play a key role in the lives of those suffering from this …