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PBS reform is forcing pharmacy operators to boost their retail revenue, a report from IBISWorld, Pharmacies in 2016-7, shows. The report, which warns of troubled times ahead for pharmacy, says …

Latest research shows diabetes burden is larger than estimated and rates of amputations in Australia are seriously high A study led by Monash University researchers has found there may be …

The Guild, PSA and AMA have responded to the Turnbull government’s re-election National President of the Pharmacy Guild of Australia, George Tambassis, has passed on his congratulations to the Coalition …

Dr Edwin Kruys, the GP who has criticised community pharmacy’s vaccination service as a “slippery slope” in the last week, has issued a challenge to the Pharmacy Guild: that he …

Scientists in Europe have found that manmade climate change is to blame for hundreds of heatwave deaths. The team of scientists studied Europe’s deadly 2003 heatwave, using modelling to calculate …

Uruguay is the latest country to institute tobacco control measures such as plain packs, after it won an international landmark legal battle against big tobacco company Philip Morris. Graphic warnings …

With the Coalition returned in the narrowest of victories – at the time of writing, it had gained the 76 House of Representatives seats it needed to form Government – …

Pharmacists must marry disruption rather than contemplate our destruction by its unstoppable force, says Rob Sztar. It is widely discussed that pharmacy faces an uncertain future in the face of …

”I just don’t understand why our profession sits by and allows the level of disrespect we get from many representatives of the medical community. The issue I have is the …

Two Zika vaccines have been declared successful in mice – welcome news as the virus has already cost many unborn lives The success of two vaccines in mice is a “remarkable …

Startups like the Capsule pharmacy concept are not going away – and so pharmacists need to be ready to embrace change. Sabrine Elkhodr, a community pharmacist and director of digital …

One of the confirmed Victorians to have measles travelled interstate to Brisbane while infected A fifth case of measles has been confirmed by the Victorian Department of Health. The person is a …