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Two Australian organisations will work together to develop a new four-in-one tablet, designed to reduce the impact of heart disease and stroke Bupa Australia and The George Institute for Global Health have …

The Guild has created a new guide to help pharmacists understand the specific requirements for consultation rooms to administer flu vaccines in community pharmacies. The resource gives a general overview …

A new UK study has supported Australian evidence that the media can influence whether people stop taking their medicines: and again, the medicines involved are statins. A period of controversy …

… it takes at least three goes to make it go through …. after starting again after the third time you give up as $125 is really not worth how …

A pain specialist and researcher says there’s no evidence of benefit from current codeine-containing OTC products – and that “we can’t have a drug of abuse available over the counter”. …

Mandatory fortification of bread with folic acid and iodine in Australia has seen health improvements across the population Since the introduction of mandatory fortification in 2009, mean folic acid intake …

Pharmacists under pressure are deviating from standard procedures to give their patients tailored care, according to a new study – feeling forced to do so because of high workloads, rigid …

Consumer body finds Labor scores best, but is disappointed no party has taken up the call for a single PBS/MBS safety net This week the Consumers Health Forum (CHF) released …

Meet the pharmacists aiming for Federal Parliament next month A trio of pharmacists are currently aiming for election to Federal Parliament on 2 July. The pharmacists, representing a diversity of …

Guild signs top level MOU with Chinese pharmacy leaders The importance of the burgeoning Chinese market to the Australian complementary medicine and pharmaceutical markets has been ratified with the signing …

The Pharmacy Board has issued a reminder that professional indemnity insurance standard has been revised, in its latest communique. In December 2015 the Board published a revised registration standard for …

There is a terrific discussion underway at present on the AJP Discussion Forum about dispensing robots. It includes contributions from some of the robot vendors. Take a look here. Other current …