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NHS England has announced that it will recommission flu vaccinations in community pharmacies for 2016/17. Nearly a quarter of a million more people benefited from vaccinations in a community pharmacy …

Today’s burden of disease report, released by the AIHW, represents a major wake up call for all parties contesting the federal election, highlighting the huge impact a small number of …

There have been good gains in the health of the Australian population, with the overall burden of disease and injury reducing between 2003 and 2011, according to a report released …

SHPA is set to release a survey aimed at providing data to underpin a review of the future scope of practice for pharmacy technicians and assistants working in hospitals. “We …

Several current topics on the AJP Discussion Forum are attracting attention from AJP readers. Is it OK to dispense steroids for body building? Click here to see what your peers …

Pharmacy Guild executive director David Quilty has written to the editor of The Weekend Australian, following claims banks could change pharmacy lending behaviour as a result of the long-awaited King …

Depression is common and is estimated to affect 1 in 20 Australians each year. In 2013–14, there were 14,933,534 PBS prescriptions dispensed for antidepressants, for people aged 18 to 64 …

Taree pharmacist and Friends of Science in Medicine member Ian Carr is stepping up a campaign against naturopathy in pharmacy, the Daily Telegraph reports. Reporter Jane Hansen spoke to Carr, …

Substandard and counterfeit medicines, and online pharmacies which aren’t legitimate, are a serious and growing problem, say experts. Australia needs to set up a “safe list” of online pharmacies in …

While sugar has become a target in the fight against obesity, with calls for Australia to follow the lead of countries such as the UK, Mexico and Hungary and introduce …

While most pharmacies offer advice, most don’t use the pharmacist to do this Instead pharmacists dispense and the retail assistant gives the advice. This has to change says business advisor …

Discount could be offset by tabled price increases to offset Budget black hole While the federal Health Minister has been lauding the update among pharmacy of the optional $1 PBS …