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The Government’s MYEFO statement is another chapter in the Coalition’s consistent health policy since being elected – cut health funding and shift costs to patients, says AMA President Professor Brian …

As the end of 2015 nears, NPS MedicineWise has joined other stakeholders in encouraging Australians who are prescribed OTC medicines to talk to their pharmacists and doctors about how the …

A unique community-driven, not-for-profit pharmacy at cohealth Collingwood may be forced to close its doors on 31 December leaving vulnerable people stranded. The AJP reported on the possible fate of …

Ground-breaking stroke research projects have been given a kick-start as part of the National Stroke Foundation’s annual grants program. National Stroke Foundation will provide more than $312,000 to eleven Australian …

More than half (54%) of all Australians  report having at least one long-term eye health condition, with nearly half the population wearing glasses or contact lenses, according to data released …

All Australians need to be aware of the impact that Federal Government changes to the PBS will have on the number of prescriptions they will need to fill in order …

Reckitt Benckiser has been ordered to remove its Nurofen Specific Pain products from retail shelves within three months, following a Federal Court decision that the company had engaged in misleading …

Chemist Warehouse has announced that it will discount all its PBS copayments as of January 1 by the maximum permissible discount – a move which won’t affect patients’ qualification for …

The Australian Self Medication Industry has today welcomed the announcement by the TGA of a further consultation regarding scheduling of OTC codeine medicines. “The TGA’s proposed amendments take a more …

The TGA is seeking further advice and submissions from stakeholders in regard to newly proposed options for the future scheduling of OTC codeine-containing preparations. Last month it deferred its final …

While spending on health goods and services has increased overall, spending on pharmaceuticals has slowed, despite an increasing number of prescriptions dispensed, according to a report released today by the …

The TGA has warned that a product called 100% Healthy Food For Men tablets are unsafe and should not be taken. The tablets pose a serious health risk, it says. …