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Pharmacy Announcements

Ordering dose administration aids will soon be easier than ever for Fred users, with the release of DoseAid’s exclusive new ordering software. Developed by PractiCare, a leading supplier of medication …

On Monday May 16 at 12pm one pharmacist has a one in 100 chance of becoming a Maxigesic Millionaire. The trade promotion was open to all Australian pharmacists over the …

Pharmacy Telemedicine has arrived: in a joint initiative by the Pharmacy Guild of Australia and Telstra Health, pharmacy customers can now access a GP conveniently from their local community pharmacy. …

The PSA is offering an opportunity for an early career pharmacist to become a National Board Director to help shape the future of the profession. Following a resolution passed at …

PDL has already received reports of dispensing errors from pharmacists lacking awareness of the recent additions to the available range of strengths for Norspan patches and Targin tablets. Norspan is …

From today, pharmacies across Australia are able to join the Dermatology Network Pharmacy Program. This free program focuses on supporting Australian community pharmacies with a range of resources designed to …

National Volunteer Week, which runs from 9th to 15th May, is an ideal time to acknowledge the work of the pharmacists and retired pharmacists who support their colleagues as volunteers …

SHPA is set to release a survey aimed at providing data to underpin a review of the future scope of practice for pharmacy technicians and assistants working in hospitals. “We …

Depression is common and is estimated to affect 1 in 20 Australians each year. In 2013–14, there were 14,933,534 PBS prescriptions dispensed for antidepressants, for people aged 18 to 64 …

Pharmacy Choice has partnered with the Guild Pharmacy Academy to provide retail managers and pharmacy assistants with the skills, understanding and confidence to deliver holistic health solutions to their customers. …

Nutritional knowledge survey of registered pharmacists Do you utilise your nutritional knowledge in your pharmacy practice? The University of Tasmania is currently surveying Australian registered pharmacists to determine their current …

Stay up-to-date with the latest evidence With increasing recognition of the significant role that pharmacists play when it comes to managing chronic conditions, it’s important to stay-up-to date with the …