Free apples for patients in New Zealand; Texas pharmacist spots alleged fraud; strikes across sector in India; and UK Health Department admits pharmacy funding errors Dunedin, New Zealand: The Albany …

A British online pharmacy has identified the most common ailments and conditions that consumers leave untreated If you’ve ever wondered whether your patients were too embarrassed to tell you or …

An AusPharm member writes: “I’ve heard the AMA twice today (two different state presidents) commentating on the Valium tampering….nothing from a pharmacist representative of PSA or PGA. “Why didn’t the …

Asia-Pacific is the largest region of a global generics market set to experience double-digit growth through to 2021, according to research experts The global generic medicines market has registered a compound …

A Symbion employee has been dismissed following the Valium tampering allegations Valium 5mg supplied in blister packs of 50 tablets was recalled by Roche and the TGA after it was discovered that …

Health stakeholders have joined in promoting World No Tobacco Day (May 31) in a bid to stamp out tobacco-related illness The World Health Organization highlighted how tobacco threatens the development …

PPDC has released the national competency standards framework for pharmacists in Australia 2016 The 2016 framework has been endorsed by all 11 member organisations of the Pharmacy Practitioner Development Committee. …

Malouf Pharmacies has helped raise funds and awareness to support the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia The group ran an in-store promotion across its 17 Queensland stores, donating 10 cents …

Discount Drug Stores announces new initiatives and total sales growth in a flat market The brand’s new initiatives include a new pain management program, the launch of a health food …

How can robotic pharmacy kiosks, remote counselling, smart pills and sensors engage patients? asks Dr Angel Gonzalez In my last article, I discussed how ‘fully engaged’ or ‘activated’ patients have …

NPS MedicineWise says the announcement of additional funding is much needed considering antibiotic prescribing rates in some areas of practice remain particularly high Health Minister Greg Hunt has announced the …

A clinical expert panel of doctors in a small Australian study has found accredited pharmacist prescribers may help to optimise management of hypertension In a survey of 30 accredited pharmacists …