Complementary Medicines Australia is encouraging consumers to take fish oil CMA issued a statement highlighting the protective qualities of omega-3 fish oils as well as the “large body” of evidence …

Khalid Ahmed spent four hours helping people on Monday night Pharmacist Khalid Ahmed went to Manchester Arena following the terrorist attack on Monday night to help the “traumatised” victims. Mr Ahmed …

Nearly three-quarters of pharmacists would support greater controls on their workload, an AJP poll suggests AJP recently reported on efforts in the US state of Illinois to set caps on …

When should a pharmacist start to suspect symptoms may point to bowel cancer? asks Jarrod McMaugh When a health professional is asked to list the signs and symptoms of bowel …

A NSW pharmacist-in-charge must work under conditions after “unsatisfactory conduct” relating to breaches of storage, handling and dispensing of restricted substances Adam Kennedy, 29, was the pharmacist-in-charge at Kingswood Compounding …

Consumers living with pain should look now at alternatives to codeine before it is upscheduled on 1 February next year So says Stephenie Shea, Discount Drug Stores Pharmacist and National …

Our profession cannot afford to stand still, writes Joe Demarte PSA is acutely aware that for our profession to flourish in the future, we need to broaden our horizons when it …

Cannabidiol has significantly reduced convulsive seizures in a group of children with a severe form of epilepsy, a new study has found Five per cent of children became seizure-free in …

FactCheck: will 700,000 workers be ‘ripped off’ by penalty rate cuts, as Bill Shorten said? Joshua Healy, University of Melbourne Malcolm Turnbull’s cuts to penalty rates will rip off 700,000 …

More women are buying cosmetics from pharmacies, which are the “real power players” in the market, new research shows Discount department stores have been the biggest losers, and pharmacies the winners, …

The health community is moving towards a new era of medicines, but how should it best go about navigating the change? The move towards systems therapeutics was discussed at the …

The healthcare group’s stock has dropped to a 12-month low in wake of its shock announcement to commence legal action against the My Chemist/CWH group Sigma Healthcare’s shares have plummeted …