The doctor’s group has joined the ranks of healthcare organisations such as the PSA that have come out in support of LGBTIQ rights The Australian Medical Association (AMA) has called …

The Queensland Guild is supporting its members to access funding set aside in the Budget for pharmacy programs The Pharmacy Guild of Australia, Queensland Branch has implemented a dedicated Pharmacy …

NAPSA and PSA have revised their partnership agreement in a move that PSA says will support the future of pharmacy “We are delighted to continue this strong relationship with PSA,” …

School canteens are selling less healthy, nutrient-poor food at a fraction of the cost of nutritious choices, the Dietitians Association National Conference has been told The first Australia-wide study of …

Health stakeholders need to pull together to battle health threats across the globe, says FIP We are now operating in a globalised world of research and manufacturing—which not only implies …

Pharmacy penalty rates under discussion by federal MPs Pharmacy penalty rates were on the parliamentary agenda recently, with the contentious issue being raised during a number of post-Budget speeches. During …

Compensation for community pharmacy losses, due to the Medicines Australia Strategic Agreement, are promised to be delivered in the final two years of the 6CPA As previously reported, Health Minister …

A recent study comparing personalities and brain scans of only children to children with siblings had surprising results Researchers in China – a country well known for having enforced a one-child …

“Me: Your profile says you are allergic to Codeine “Pt: Yes I am – I need Targin and Endone cos Codeine makes me itch “Me: why are you taking 75mg …

Do pharmacists feel EC is a responsible choice? asks Dr Philip Goldstone In November and December 2016, we surveyed pharmacists in an effort to investigate pharmacists’ awareness and understanding of …

What are the 10 most advertised prescription drugs in the US? We often hear calls in Australia for a loosening of restrictions on drug advertising regulations, or of the harms …

We take a look back at the week in pharmacy There’s growing concern that when codeine-containing analgesics are upscheduled early next year, consumers may turn to ibuprofen to manage pain… …