The issue of whether or not pharmacists should leave major cities in order to find work – or well paying work – has arisen again, with AJP readers highlighting a …

What’s the point of paracetamol? Andrew Moore, University of Oxford Paracetamol has been around for over 50 years. It’s safe and many guidelines recommend it as the go-to treatment. At …

Terry White and Chemmart have announced that all pharmacies within the merged group’s approximately 500-strong network will migrate to operate under a single retail pharmacy brand, TerryWhite Chemmart. The new …

Tackling obesity by offering the opportunity to attend a weight loss program during a routine consultation is effective, welcomed by patients and takes 30 seconds of physicians’ time, according to …

The Minister for Health, Sussan Ley, has announced the Tranche 2 grants round of the Pharmacy Trial Program. Under the Sixth Community Pharmacy Agreement, $50 million was allocated for new …

How could pharmacists help provide services which are scant in rural areas? wonders Karalyn Huxhagen Since the third community pharmacy agreement, the focus has been on developing professional programs including …

New warnings over software scammers targeting pharmacies In its latest monthly communique, the Victorian Pharmacy Authority says it “continues to hear reports of pharmacies being targeted by ransomware, a type …

Hep C program success “extraordinary”, Senate committee hears, but no mention of cost to pharmacy  However, there is no mention of the issue of the cost of supplying and stocking …

An increase to the script copayment and to the Medicare Safety Net remain Government policy, a Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee Estimates meeting has heard. The measure, which would increase …

PDL farewells Marie Ritchie at gala function PDL has celebrated the career of its retiring CEO Marie Ritchie in style at a function in Melbourne last Friday. A well-known identity …

The flu viruses to be included in the 2017 Australian vaccine have now been announced. The Australian Influenza Vaccine Committee with the TGA in Canberra to recommend influenza viruses to …

The outstanding service and contributions of retiring Pharmaceutical Defence Limited CEO Marie Ritchie have been applauded by the PSA. Ritchie has announced her retirement after a 22-year career with PDL. …