More work needs to be done on downscheduling medicines in Australia, the Minister for Health believes. Meanwhile a final decision on the scheduling of codiene could be delivered before the …

“I noted that some foreign jurisdictions such as New York state have pretty much made paperless prescribing mandatory. As laws relating to prescribing and dispensing of regulated medicines in Australia …

How can pharmacists provide real help to the “worried well”? wonders Ben Basger Are people who have symptoms for which there is no obvious cause treated with medicines? You bet! …

An Afghan pharmacy owner who fled the Taliban has had an appeal to obtain a temporary protection visa denied. The Hazara man from Afghanistan had previously had a request for …

A unique 21-year study of more than 2.4 million cases of infectious disease across Australia reveals a major social divide where being poorer, living remotely or being an Indigenous Australian …

The rapid emergence of vaping (e-cigarette use) has led a University of Queensland researcher to seek Australian participants for a large-scale international study. School of Public Health Senior Research Fellow, …

The Clive and Vera Ramaciotti Facility for Producing Pharmaceuticals in Plants at UQ’s Institute for Molecular Bioscience has the potential to provide inexpensive medications to patients, says UQ. Head of …

Pharmacists are once again being warned of malicious software threats. Here are 10 tips from Fred IT to develop a secure system in your pharmacy  Pharmacy regulators have recently reiterated …

“A study has found the stronger people get, the less likely they are to develop dementia. The trial of 100 people found those who worked to at least 80 per …

We take a look at pharmacy news around the world Ontario, Canada: A Canadian family has launched a petition to urge Ontario’s Health Minister to make medication error reporting mandatory, …

Pharmacy is confronted by a spate of vital government reviews, says PSA national president Joe Demarte  Last month, while PSA was preparing its response to the Review of Pharmacy Remuneration …

Pension assets changes may affect pharmaceutical access for thousands, but bureaucrats say intent is to provide other subsidies  Changes to the aged pension assets test will see around 90,000 retirees …