Leading researcher and Queensland pharmacist Professor Maree Smith has won the 2016 Bowl of Hygeia Award, presented by the PSA. PSA National Vice President Dr Chris Freeman presented the most …

Monash University recognises Bill Scott for his contribution to the health of Victorian communities Scott, an alumnus of the university, is currently one of three members on the panel for …

Some of the leading OTC sales and marketing campaigns were recognised at the Australian Self Medication Industry (ASMI) Diamond Awards dinner. Held in Sydney late last week, three categories of …

What are the top five inexpensive and fast acting initiatives available to offset the impact of PBS cuts?  Price disclosure is a continuous PBS cost shaving process. It requires pharmacy …

“AI or artificial intelligence is transforming the world.  And the rate of change is accelerating. Computers can read, write and comprehend speech, text, photos and  make independent decisions. A driverless …

Debbie Rigby rounds up the latest research news that matters to pharmacy Azithromycin for Acute Exacerbations of Asthma The Azithromycin Against Placebo in Exacerbations of Asthma (AZALEA) randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled …

Those aged 70-79 can now freely access the vaccine, which aims to protect against shingles and related neuropathic pain From 1 November, Australia’s only vaccine to protect against shingles and …

An intern pharmacist who raped a customer has had his provisional registration cancelled, and been barred from reapplying for registration for four years. The Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal heard …

The biggest barriers to methamphetamine users seeking treatment are embarrassment or stigma, belief that help is not needed, preferring to withdraw without help and privacy concerns, according to a new …

Changes to legislation on medicinal cannabis have the potential to be mistaken by patients as official endorsement of its use, according to a position statement released this week by the …

The Review of Pharmacy Remuneration and Regulation will now involve a comprehensive financial analysis of the pharmacy sector, review chairman Stephen King says. In a message to stakeholders, Professor King …

Pharmacy Alliance has announced the next stage of its consumer strategy, at its Members Meetings held nationally this month In October 2014, more than 500 members were introduced to the …