Pharmacy students from the University of Tasmania are virtually guaranteed a job after graduating, a new survey showsGood Education Group’s The Good University Guide 2017 shows that 100% of pharmacy …

Health stakeholders must not lose sight of the important social role played by pharmacists, says Dr Carmen Peña, President of the International Pharmaceutical FederationDr Peña was speaking at the opening of …

An extra day of trade exhibition viewing will be available at next year’s APPThe Pharmacy Guild has announced an additional full day of trading at APP2017, with the exhibition now opening …

The Health Destination Pharmacy program has been honoured with a high-profile international award for practice improvementFIP has presented its first awards for best Pharmacy Practice Improvement Program and best Health …

Two Australians have been recognised for their services to pharmacy at the opening ceremony of the 76th World Congress of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences in Buenos Aires, ArgentinaProfessor Parisa Aslani …

In a submission to the King Review of Pharmacy Remuneration and Regulation veteran West Australian pharmacist Ron Dymock wrote “Until recently the West Australian [ownership] situation worked very well with …

Our poll enters its last week… vote now to help identify the women who are leading the profession into the future Well over half of all Australian pharmacists are women, …

Several announcements and newsletters have been sent to warn pharmacists about the changes since October 2015, it saysWith the end of the CPD period looming, many pharmacists have been complaining …

The first publicly released King Review submissions include GP concerns over pharmacies as a “shonky operation” and frustrations over HMR restrictions and ownershipThe first five submissions that have been published …

AJP’s comments boards have been running hot this week, as the issue of employee pharmacist pay came to the foreFirst, we reported on the Fair Work Commission’s looming decision on …

We wrap up the last week in pharmacyIt’s been a busy week in community pharmacy, dominated by the issue of pharmacist remuneration and whether pharmacists are being paid enough.The Guild’s …

Seven key statistics that show the state of community pharmacyThe Pharmacy Guild of Australia’s latest Survey of Independent Pharmacy Operations in Australia has provided a statistical snapshot of the state …