Many of you are stockpiling or resorting to overseas access to get required medications for patientsAJP has received a great deal of feedback regarding our story on medicines shortages.“There’s not …

Updated recommendations from the National Heart Foundation of Australia will allow pharmacists a wider scope to help manage the biggest risk factor for strokeSome recommendations of the new 2016 guidelines …

Malcolm Turnbull has reappointed an old face to his new ministry despite a difficult campaign against LaborSussan Ley has retained the federal health portfolio, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has announced.There …

What are the 10 most common preventable behaviours and traits associated with stroke risk?Stroke-related deaths and disabilities worldwide would be dramatically cut if we targeted ten preventable behaviours and traits, …

A short list of tips for Pokémon Go players who want to avoid stepping on people’s toes – both figuratively and literally My husband and I were walking through Priceline …

Has anyone got any experience/views on the Salin Plus Salt Vaporiser? I’ve had a friend ask me about it and I’d never heard of it before.  The website looks like …

The Australian Psychological Society (APS) has voiced concerns about community pharmacists providing mental health servicesDr Louise Roufeil, Executive Manager Professional Practice at the APS, has submitted a letter in response …

Probiotics are a growing global commodity, with the pharmacist being called upon to help customers sort the facts from the fictionWhile a myriad health claims exist with very limited clinical …

Price disclosure policy and lack of support adding to our stress, say pharmacists“There’s not a day when there’s not a medicine somebody needs that we don’t have,” a pharmacist told researchers …

The long-awaited decision on the rescheduling of codeine-containing medicines may not be revealed anytime soon.In response to questions from AJP Daily, a Department of Health spokesperson said: “The TGA is …

Service admits there have been some temporary product shortages and lists specific product linesAJP reported on Wednesday that some diabetes patients have been unable to access supplies following changes to …

A study of 3.9 million adults published today in The Lancet has confirmed that being overweight or obese is associated with an increased risk of premature death and is second …