Here are the latest posts to AusPharmList Click here to read the full text of each post on the AJP website. The AusPharmList website will remain active for the time being, …

Pharmacists have a “really important” role in raising awareness about the impact of diabetes and the urgent need to develop and implement the National Diabetes Strategy, says ADEA CEO Dr …

Detrimental Decimals Recent incident reports to PDL indicate that inaccurate script interpretation in relation to dosage is a serious current issue with pharmacists, particularly where handwritten scripts are concerned. A …

An ACT pharmacy which played a strong role in the push for pharmacist vaccination in the Territory has vaccinated 30 Canberrans in the seven days since its service opened. Staff …

Our weekly wrapup of pharmacy news from around the world New York: A Long Island pharmacist has pled guilty to charges regarding his connection to a nationwide scheme to sell …

APLF Congratulates APC for launching National Credentialing Program for Advanced Practice Pharmacists The Australian Pharmacy Leaders Forum has congratulated the Australian Pharmacy Council for launching the National Credentialing Program for …

A Fair Work Commission decision to grant Victoria’s paramedics a significant pay rise reveals a pathway for community pharmacists to make similar inroads in their campaign to lift pay, says …

The Pharmacy Practitioner Development Committee, a profession-wide collaborative forum, has commenced consultation on a revised draft of the profession’s competency standards framework. Following the national public consultation activities of 2015, …

Here are the latest posts to AusPharmList Click here to read the full text of each post on the AJP website. The AusPharmList website will remain active for the time being, …

Debbie Rigby presents the latest research relevant to pharmacists Hydrolysed formula and risk of allergic or autoimmune disease A systematic review and meta-analysis of 37 trials involving over 19,000 participants …

Pharmacies will never be able to get ahead without a real point of difference, writes John Cao One lesson that I have taken away from watching the many episodes of …

The Pharmacists’ Support Service has extended its condolences to the family, friends and colleagues of pharmacist Margo Kliendienst. Kliendienst was a Sunshine Coast pharmacist who owned pharmacies in Nambour and …