The Australian Clinical Pharmacy Award for 2015 has been awarded to Dr Christine Carrington at Medicines Management 2015, the SHPA National Conference. The Australian Clinical Pharmacy Award is one of …

The SHPA Medal of Merit for 2015 has been presented to Amber Roberts, during Medicines Management 2015, the SHPA National Conference. The SHPA Medal of Merit is awarded by SHPA’s …

Error rates are the ‘elephant in the room’ nobody wants to discuss when it comes to DAAs, says Luke Fitzgerald, CEO of MPS. In September the Pharmacy Board of Australia …

A leading Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Suicide Prevention body has warned that Christmas is a susceptible time for both young and old in the community who may struggle with …

The Pharmacy Guild of Australia is set to host Pharmacy Connect, a new national conference in 2016, which it says is set to become a key event on the annual pharmacy …

Pharmacist intervention can make significant improvements in helping patients manage their blood pressure through the use of ‘smart’ monitoring kiosks, a US pilot program has found. According to the US-based Pharmacy …

Acute stroke care quality in Australia has stagnated, costing lives and leaving thousands of Australians with unnecessary disability, according to a new National Stroke Foundation Report released today. The 2015 …

Sue Kirsa has been awarded the Fred J Boyd Award for 2015 and delivered an oration today during the opening plenary session of Medicines Management 2015, the 41st SHPA National …

An unprecedented overview of physical activity and public health across the globe has reinforced the need for a comprehensive policy response in Australia, the Heart Foundation said today. The Global …

Christmas isn’t a happy time for everybody, write Dr Esther Lau and Professor Lisa Nissen, but pharmacists can help Christmas is usually a time for celebration, being with family and …

Reports that e-cigarette users in the United States are being seriously injured due to the devices exploding in their faces are a wake-up call, Quit Victoria says. In the most …

Gold Coast state primary school children are suffering from a lack of physical education, with schools failing to prioritise or promote its importance on the curriculum, new research shows. This …