The Australian College of Nursing has applauded the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care for its release of the Australian Atlas of Health Care Variation. The atlas …

The entire medicines use process must be changed so as to minimise the environmental effects of pharmaceuticals, FIP says in a document on green pharmacy practice The International Pharmaceutical Federation …

Medication reviews for people with intellectual disability are a key tool in addressing an access gap in an underserved population, writes Manya Angley The authors of a recent systematic review …

The inclusion of the first monoclonal antibody biosimilar on the PBS will deliver immediate savings to the Federal Government; however the full potential of this and other biosimilar medicines relies …

Discount Drug Stores has donated $11,020 to the McGrath Foundation thanks to the generosity of Discount Drug Stores customers, after launching its Spotlight On Breast Health Clinics throughout 115 stores …

Complementary Medicines Australia has welcomed the announcement by the National Institute of Complementary Medicine of a clinical trial for a Chinese herbal medicine, Sailuotong. Sailuotong has been shown, in pilot …

The bushfires in Western Australia and South Australia and the prospect of a hot dry summer have reinforced the need for residents in areas susceptible to natural disasters such as …

Advancing therapeutic knowledge and medication management will be the focus of the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia’s 2016 NSW Annual Therapeutic Update Conference being held at Terrigal from March 4-6, 2016. …

Australian start-up Kayban has developed the world’s first anti-microbial healthcare range made from organic flaxseed oil following a collaboration with CSIRO. The company hopes the range of topical lotions and …

Bowel Cancer Australia will join with Australians across the country starting Tuesday, December 1st to help raise funds and awareness about the disease which kills more than 2,200 men each …

The former Branch Committee member of the Guild’s South Australian Branch, Adelaide pharmacist Scott McGregor, has been awarded the Barry Schultz medal for 2015. The medal is awarded to a …

Willach has opened the doors to its new $500,000 training facility in Burwood, east of Melbourne. The 1000sqm site is more than double the size of Willach’s previous premises in …