The first Australian Pharmacist Workforce Summit has underscored the need for a longer-term blueprint on the role of pharmacists in the future. The summit, held in Melbourne last week, issued …

Treating patients with chronic pain can be a complex, long-term relationship, especially if codeine is involved, writes Karalyn Huxhagen. Like all community pharmacists, I kick myself when I fall for …

Major global organisations for pharmacists, doctors and nurses, including FIP, have adopted a new set of ethical principles, designed as an important step towards the protection of healthcare workers and …

St John’s Wort can produce the same adverse reactions as antidepressants, and serious side effects can occur when the two are taken together, according to new University of Adelaide research. …

Revised English language and criminal history standards for pharmacists and other health professionals take effect from today, 1 July 2015. National Boards have previously published the contents of the revised …

The PSA has welcomed a statement from United General Practice Australia expressing its in-principle support for non-dispensing pharmacists to work in general practice as part of a GP led team. …

Less women are screening for breast cancer, new data show—and so the Cancer Council is encouraging all eligible Australian women aged 50 to 74 to consider participating in the free …

A social media initiative has been launched today that reframes perceptions of people with multiple sclerosis by using videos to showcase their accomplishments. The initiative is called #MyMSVictory and kicked …

The brains of people with recurrent depression have a significantly smaller hippocampus—the part of the brain most associated with forming new memories—than healthy individuals, a new global study of nearly …

Group Facilitator of the Mackay Pain Support Group, Karalyn Huxhagen, has been announced as the winner of the 2015 PSA Award for Quality Use of Medicines in Pain Management. Huxhagen …

Patients with chronic hepatitis B and HIV will be able to access their medicines more easily under changes welcomed by Cancer Council Victoria. The federal government changes will allow medicines …

Cause marketing is a great way to get pharmacy customers to care about your business. The catch is you need to really mean it, writes Ian Shanks There’s a lot …