Falls are the most common accidents older people have. Risk factors include: some medicines, some medical conditions, physical and environmental factors The consequences of falls include: 10-20% of falls result …

Around Australia, hard-working pharmacists woke up this morning (18 March) to be kicked in the guts by a totally unwarranted torrent of bile and abuse from Janet Albrechtsen, writes George …

Medicines Australian Chairman, Dr Martin Cross has welcomed ongoing collaboration between the pharmaceutical industry and Government in addition to further improvements to the Governments post-market review program, which was announced …

A newspaper report published today refers disparagingly to pharmacists as “a union of men and women in white coats” who will “who will get to gouge the public purse for …

The Pharmacy Guild of Australia has released its latest online pharmacist CPD course titled Understanding the needs of customers travelling overseas. This course addresses the fundamental knowledge required to deliver …

Greens Senator Richard di Natale has called on the Federal Government to immediately halt negotiations on the Sixth Community Pharmacy Agreement until there has been a full public inquiry into …

A draft final report has been given to the Pharmacy Practitioner Development Committee on the review of the National competency standards framework for pharmacists in Australia. The Australian Healthcare and …

Minister Nash has welcomed a new partnership between the peak body of Aboriginal health services, the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation, and the Royal Australian Air Force. The RAAF …

The TGA has assessed a product labelled “OMG Slim” capsules and recommended any consumers in possession of them bring them to their pharmacy for safe disposal. The capsules pose a …

Pease Street Discount Drug Store in Cairns, Queensland has won GuildCare’s third annual Pharmacy of the Year award for its effective use of and exemplary commitment to delivering GuildCare’s five …

The Generic Medicines Industry Association (GMiA) will today launch the GMiA Guide to Biosimilars during a Parliamentary Friends of Medicine event at Parliament House. The GMiA Guide to Biosimilars aims …

Recent media attacks on pharmacists and their integrity are both unfounded and unwarranted, the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia says. National President of the PSA, Grant Kardachi, says the attacks contain …