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Double dispensing is falling short of its aims, and causing tension between patients and their healthcare practitioners, leaders of CAPS claim In this podcast, Carlene McMaugh speaks to Christine Kelly …

If you missed any news this week thanks to the nationwide Optus outage, here’s a roundup of the headlines CAPS remains undaunted, calling for change on a number of issues …

Pharmacy advocacy group calls for pharmacies to be allowed to charge ‘gap fees’ to cover the costs of mandated services  Leaders of the Community and Pharmacy Support Group (CAPS) are …

8CPA likely to be a rollercoaster ride for community pharmacy with funding for professional services potentially on the chopping block, pharmacist warns  Pharmacy owners will need to brace themselves for …

Funding for several professional services could be stripped from the Eighth Community Pharmacy Agreement (8CPA)   Home Medicines Reviews (HMRs), MedsCheck and a number of other services could be abolished …

Politicians who refuse to engage with the Community and Pharmacy Support Group (CAPS) in the coming weeks will not be forgotten, or forgiven  There will be no “get out of …

The current community pharmacy agreement negotiations promise to be a unique journey. And owners need to build some roads of their own rather than just rely on the CPA  According …

Opposition pledges to keep “fighting the fight” alongside community pharmacists to secure a fair deal for the sector  Pharmacists are being urged to engage with government MPs to pressure Labor …

Pharmacy advocacy group set to outline 8CPA expectations in protest webinar  Representatives from the Community and Pharmacy Support Group (CAPS) will outline their advocacy plans for the remainder of 2023 …

Pharmacy advocacy group pledges to continue its fight against 60-day dispensing until a favourable deal is reached  The next eight weeks are set to be crucial for the future of …

Two pharmacist groups speak out on the 8CPA negotiations, while FIP has a busy week and there’s a lot of concern about “unleashing” pharmacists Issues around the 8CPA came to …

Should HMRs be funded outside the 8CPA? These pharmacists are worried their funding is at risk With negotiations for the Eighth Community Pharmacy Agreement underway, a group of consultant pharmacists, …