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A supplier of unapproved sports supplements has been told to pay $11 million, as the TGA points out their potential to damage health The Federal Court of Australia has ordered …

The TGA has handed down more than $23K in fines relating to unlawful advertising of medicinal cannabis to treat cancer, and of homeopathy for COVID-19 The Therapeutic Goods Administration made …

TGA reveals how health professionals can, and cannot, communicate with patients about their COVID-19 vaccination services The Therapeutic Goods Administration has released guidance explaining how health professionals can lawfully provide …

Pharmacies supplying prescription nicotine e-cigarettes or liquid nicotine may, in some circumstances, be allowed advertise, TGA says Advertising the availability of nicotine e-cigarettes or liquid nicotine to patients with a …

Chemist Warehouse and My Chemist have been handed more than $53,000 worth of infringement notices over advertising on their websites The TGA announced this week that it has issued four …

The TGA has fined a NSW pharmacy $13,320 for alleged advertising of an unlisted complementary medicine Newcastle-based retailers Junction Rx Pty Limited, trading as My Community Pharmacy, allegedly advertised a …

A complaint against Chemist Warehouse advertising has been upheld after the discount giant claimed to be “New Zealand’s #1 online pharmacy” New Zealand’s Advertising Standards Authority Complaints Board has upheld …

Toddler milk ads could be driving demand for infant formula, the ACCC says The ACCC is proposing to re-authorise a longstanding agreement by manufacturers to not promote toddler milk. The …

The Federal Court has found that a supplements company and its director unlawfully advertised Selective Androgen Receptive Modulators Evolution Supplements Australia Pty Ltd, and its sole director, Mr Cumhur Keskin, …

The owner of a Melbourne pharmacy has been told to pay his local Council more than $5000 after he installed unauthorised billboards around his shop The Victorian Civil and Administrative …

A rundown for pharmacists on updated guidelines from Ahpra & the National Boards for advertising a regulated health service December 2020 saw the release of updated Guidelines from Ahpra and …

December 1970: Pharmacy is set to face “astounding assertions” and “freak facts” at a parliamentary inquiry “Most of our leaders are agreed that pharmacy is headed for one of its …