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flu vaccination

Pharmacists have administered over one million influenza vaccines to Australians, according to data from the Australian Immunisation Register As of Sunday 18 July, pharmacists have administered over one million influenza …

More than 90% of pharmacies are hoping to offer the COVID-19 vaccine this year, with nearly all delivering the flu vax, according to a new survey A MedAdvisor survey of …

Australia is in the “unenviable” situation of having to deal with COVID-19 at the same time as the onset of flu season, says George Tambassis Additional supplies of this year’s …

Nearly a third of survey respondents were unaware of their eligibility for free influenza vaccination, and more than half believed the vaccine could cause flu Researchers from the University of …

Demand is ‘far exceeding’ previous years as patients get vaccinated earlier amidst coronavirus pandemic There has been a year-on-year increase of more than 300% for flu vaccinations administered in pharmacies, …

The value, convenience and accessibility of pharmacists as immunisers is more evident than ever in the times of COVID-19, write Chris Campbell, Dr Esther Lau and Prof Lisa Nissen The …

AJP speaks to the man behind the pharmacist flu vaccine injury claim—were his symptoms really the result of injury, or something else? In early July, at the height of consumer …

Pharmacy staff, chiropractors found among selection of healthcare practitioners voicing anti-vaccination beliefs to patients, according to Australian study A qualitative study has looked at the perspective of older people relating …

Pollies line up to get their flu vaccinations in pharmacy Flu vaccination have started being administered in pharmacies and doctor’s surgeries across Australia this month. Several politicians have taken the …

The strains and types of seasonal influenza vaccinations for this year have been announced This year there is a new A strain (H3N2) and a new strain for the B …

Most consumers in Western Australia would like their community pharmacists to vaccinate for more conditions, say researchers Consumers in Western Australia are satisfied with pharmacist-administered flu vaccination, and many would …

MedAdvisor will commence a consumer awareness campaign to highlight the benefits of the flu vaccination The campaign will target “busy” consumers between the age of 18 and 64, of which …