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One of the brands’ chemists in Toowoomba will no longer stock the ‘golly doll’ in its product line after being accused of racism Local resident George Helon was passing the …

A look at the last week in pharmacy news All eyes may have been on Washington this week as we watched the surprise election of Republican nominee Donald Trump to …

Consumer body finds Labor scores best, but is disappointed no party has taken up the call for a single PBS/MBS safety net This week the Consumers Health Forum (CHF) released …

Pressure from Labor has forced the Coalition to abandon plans to outsource payment system Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has bowed to pressure from the Labor Party, announcing the government has …

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has expressed his support for community pharmacy in a letter to the Pharmacy Guild. He says a returned Coalition government would ensure funds allocated under the …

Pharmacy Guild national president George Tambassis has expressed thanks and appreciation to former Prime Minister Tony Abbott, “for his strong and unstinting support of community pharmacy”. “This year, community pharmacy …

Australia’s new Prime Minister and eight new faces in Federal Cabinet provide opportunities for new thinking and innovative approaches to business including pharmacy, says Guild executive director David Quilty. The …

Health industry stakeholders continue to welcome the new Health team in the Turnbull ministry. The Australian Self Medication Industry today welcomed the new health team in the Turnbull Ministry: the …

The PSA has welcomed the continuing appointment of the Hon Sussan Ley as Minister for Health, and the announcement of Senator the Hon Fiona Nash as Minster for Rural Health …

Health must be a priority for the new Prime Minister and Cabinet, the Australian Medical Association has said in congratulating Malcolm Turnbull on his election last night. “Poor health policy …

The President of the NSW Branch of the Pharmacy Guild, Paul Sinclair, today welcomed the announcement by the NSW Opposition that a Labor Government would move quickly to enable the …

A Labor Queensland Government would start to boost funding for preventative health programs forced to scale back their operations because of Newman LNP Government cutbacks, says Opposition Leader Annastacia Palaszczuk. …