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Health ombudsman reveals that only a fraction of complaints made to it concern pharmacists – but one in 20 of the queries it couldn’t address were medicine-related The office of …

TGA rejects proposals to downschedule more ibuprofen products and Chinese medicine ingredients   Proposals for the downscheduling of ibuprofen and some Chinese medicine ingredients have been rejected by the Therapeutic Goods …

A mixed bag of stories feature in our list of the 10 most-read stories over the last month  Regulatory and crime issues dominate our list of the top 10 stories …

The Therapeutic Goods Administration has recently made a number of updates to the database of medicine shortages and newly approved replacements Among the new listings or updates are: Fluoxetine capsules …

Crime, COVID-19 and a couple of discount pharmacy giants were the topics dominating our most read stories over the previous month These were our top ten most clicked stories from …

Pharmacy groups back moves to make Viagra available over the counter, but AMA questions checklist approach to treatment Leading pharmacy groups have backed a proposal to allow pharmacists to supply …

What were the 10 most-clicked stories on our website over the holiday season? Here are the 10 most-clicked stories on the AJP website from 1 December 2018 till 10 January …

Let’s take a quick look back at our 10 most-read stories in 2018 2018 is nearly over, and it’s certainly been a big year for pharmacy.   Here’s the overall 10 …

Regulators act to stop retailers appropriating the profession’s title Pharmacy regulators have recently taken action to prevent a non-pharmacy retail franchise from using the word ‘pharmacy’ in their stores. In …

Is the push for faster regulatory approval of new drugs a benefit to patients or a safety risk? The increasing pressure from patients, pharmaceutical companies and sometimes, health professionals, eager …

Application to reduce Schedule 2 ibuprofen pack sizes knocked back  An application to reduce the size of S2 ibuprofen packs has been rejected by the Advisory Committees on Chemicals and Medicines …

Range of regulatory breaches revealed in Authority documents The latest communique from the Victorian Pharmacy Authority has revealed a range of regulatory breaches previously under investigation by the authority.   …