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Victorian pharmacists will play a pivotal role under proposals announced by the Victorian Government to make medicinal cannabis available to some patients under exceptional circumstances from 2017, says the PSA. …

Victoria’s Andrews Government has decided to legalise access to locally-manufactured medicinal cannabis products for use in exceptional circumstances from 2017, a decision welcomed by the Guild. The Victorian President of …

The TGA has recommended that naloxone minijet be scheduled to Pharmacist Only medicine—a decision which will likely save lives, says Angelo Pricolo, the Brunswick pharmacist who made the submission. This …

Taking codeine off pharmacy shelves will only hide the problem of its abuse, says the Consumers Health Forum of Australia. Moving codeine-containing medicines to prescription only is “a very blunt …

The Australian Self Medication Industry says it is extremely disappointed with the Federal Government Scheduling Delegate’s interim decision to up-schedule over-the-counter cough/cold medicines and analgesics that contain codeine to Schedule …

The Pharmacy Guild of Australia has expressed concern at the proposed re-scheduling of codeine containing analgesics to Schedule 4, Prescription Only Medicine. The interim decision of the Advisory Committee on …

Reshaping Australia’s scheduling environment to improve medicines access is an urgent priority, writes Dr Deon Schoombie. The ageing population and increasing burden of disease pose enormous challenges for continuing to …

New Zealand pharmacies won’t be able to supply the oral contraceptive pill over the counter, following the Medicines Classification Committee’s decision not to reclassify them from prescription to restricted medicine. …

Australia lags internationally when it comes to down-scheduling medicines; leading New Zealand pharmacist Natalie Gauld explores why, and how the Australian pharmacy landscape could benefit from increasing access to drugs …

The TGA is seeking comments on several proposed amendments to the Poisons Standard, including that the Schedule 3 entry for codeine be deleted. It is proposed that the current Schedule …