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 “My understanding is that a pharmacist cannot sell this product for use in children under 6 years of age – irrespective of the packaging. Is this correct? Many customers tell …

Analysis doesn’t acknowledge impact of PBS savings measures in recent years, they say The Pharmacy Guild of Australia has disagreed with new claims that Australia is continuing to pay too …

Australians should not stop taking medicines to lower blood cholesterol, the Heart Foundation of Australia has reiterated following the publication of a paper suggesting that older people with high LDL …

Dr Ken Harvey has issued a challenge to complementary medicines manufacturers to provide evidence to support their products. Articles in mainstream media including the Herald Sun and the Daily Mail …

The Guild has issued a reminder to pharmacists in this week’s edition of Forefront that codeine recording is not mandatory While the Guild is encouraging pharmacies to use MedsASSIST, State …

Australia’s pharmacy sector has been compared to North Korea in an article which attacks both the sale of OTC codeine-containing preparations and regulations governing pharmacy. The article, Why can Aussies …

 “Surely this would be grounds for having the medicine reclassified as pharmacist only? “Taking higher than recommended doses of the antidiarrheal loperamide can cause serious adverse cardiac events that can …

Our weekly wrapup of pharmacy news from around the world Orlando, Florida: Stanley Almodovar III, 23 (pictured), and Amanda Alvear, 25, have been named as two of the victims of …

New findings launched today show that Australia has higher antimicrobial use than England, Canada, Norway, Denmark, Sweden and the Netherlands – and the number of antimicrobials prescribed in Australia continues …

Current model leads to antibiotic overconsumption and provides insufficient rewards to drive innovation, say top researchers Academics from the Boston University School of Law and London School of Economics, among …

A Shorten Labor Government would lead early and inclusive negotiations towards the Seventh Community Pharmacy Agreement, the ALP has written in a letter to the Pharmacy Guild expressing support for …

Researchers at the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies and the University of Georgia have assembled summative world maps of what’s on record about mammal-to-human diseases. The majority of infectious diseases …